The Sheet Mask Theories – A Mask A Day With SaSa


Sheet Masks seem to be all the rage now. Who can say ‘no’ to the ease of slipping out a mask infused with the goodness of serums and placing them for a quickie 20 minutes while you take a quick nap or in the likes of me, catch up on some much needed reading while the mask does it’s job and saturates your skin with much needed moisture or whatever it is that you need for great, plumped up and radiant skin after.

I never was a ‘sheet mask’ junkie, this conversion is quite recent and also perhaps because a busy person like me craves the ease of application that the sheet mask offers. 20 minutes of relaxation and that’s all it takes. As in with most sheet masks, there is no need to wash your face after, rather just to give your face a quick massage to help the skin absorb whatever serum lies above and voila if you’re like me and bound to do this just before bedtime… you can call it a day and shut your eyes.

To pander to my new found love for sheet masks, I’ve been making the rounds in most beauty shops, marts and bazaars to see what’s on offer and how far my money stretches. There are loads of masks around with differing quality and in an array of variants and types that is sure to boggle you when you have to make choices. For me because I’m always game to try something new, i find the best choice in terms if array and quality can be found at SaSa.


I’m Malaysian and lucky me finds a SaSa in nearly every other mainstream shopping mall and recently when I was browsing it’s aisle as I do all to often, i was glad to see that they had a wonderful promotion called “A Mask A Day – 30 Day Intensive Mask Treatment ” Now whilst I never knew you could put on a mask everyday and I still have not put them on anywhere near that frequently, i did have a wonderful time shopping for a good two month’s supply, just in case you know 😉 I’ve used loads over the course of the month and a half and I’ve given away a good number too and I’m glad I hoarded them because at RM 2 each (0.70 USD)  on sale they were more than a steal.

Needless to say I’ve tried some lovely brands that SaSa has on offer and some of which goes straight to my Top 10 list. SaSa features sheet masks brands from Korea, Taiwan, Australia and it was a good beauty education getting acquainted with all they had.


My absolute fav of the lot are these from Sasatinnie, SaSa’s very own home brand. These are from their Silky Mask range and i find it to be a little more upmarket compared to the other SaSatinnie masks available. Now, I dont know how many of you read the ingredients list on a mask. I do, I read the ingredients list off everything. Manufacturers are supposed to list ingredients based on their content that means what comes first is what has the highest percentage of content.

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If you look closely at the ingredients list above, you’ll see that the first few are all natural . For instance if you take the green in the middle, the Aloe and Olive Deep Moist Silky Mask, you’ll be glad to know that it contains water, aloe juice, olive fruit extract, grape fruit extract, Nigella Sativa Seed Oil and lots of other natural ingredients to boot. Normally retailing for RM 4.90 which is about USD 1.70 is already a steal for the high quality of the product offered.

Nest up is another line of masks I have developed an affinity for. What usually irks me about sheet masks is the sticky feeling it leaves you with after you’ve taken the mask off… and whilst the instructions tell you to just massage whatever essence remains on your face, i still drag myself off the bed in a bedraggled state no doubt and proceed to wash the residue off. So you can imagine my joy when I found  a mask that was infused with a light essence that was deeply moisturizing minus the sticky after effect.

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This line from Beauty Friends – Season II hails from Korea as do most sheet masks I’ve tried. This sheet mask is slightly thicker than most regular masks which means it holds more moisture and there’s less wastage in the foil pack. I leave it on for about 20 minutes, longer if I’ve dozed off and when I’m done, I just take it off, literally massage the remaining essence and I’m done. This works very well at night as you don’t need to wash off as in with other sheet masks.


I also like these ones from Soo Beaute, another Korean brand. Perhaps it’s my liking for all things herbal that drives me to enjoy Ganoderma and Cordyceps. Ganoderma is a mushroom with a lot of therapeutic benefits. It has anti oxidant, antiviral and antibacterial properties. Cordyceps on the other hand is a fungi and said to have many healing properties.


I also picked these trio from Skinlite which the BA at SaSa told me was an Australian brand. The masks are manufactured in Korea though by Adwin Corp so I’m not too sure about the Australian connection. Once again I was attracted to the Herbal thing going on and the packaging is quite eye-catching too. The masks however are a little too thin for my liking and it was just so-so for me. These are pricier though at retail at RM 6.90 ( USD 2.20)


Finally I also got myself some Color Combos Masks. I have yet to try these but am planning to do so soon. The packaging seems to be a little bigger than the other masks and it does seem to hold a little more in terms of content. I can’t say much about the efficacy and will have to get back to you on this one but I’ve tried some other products from Color Combos at SaSa and they’re not too bad.

So this was my not so quick take on Asian Masks available at SaSa in Malaysia. I’m sure there’s a lot more available at the bigger SaSa’s and from what I hear SaSa is having a mask sale now at 4 masks for RM 10 (USD 3.30) so do head on over to a SaSa the next time you pass by one if you’re thinking about stocking up or just to try some new sheet mask brands…

38 thoughts on “The Sheet Mask Theories – A Mask A Day With SaSa

    • @krisle703 I guess sheet masks need to be experienced, we’ve all been exposed to the leave on masks that this takes some getting used to, but it’s well worth the effort as it’s great for the skin.

  1. I’m relatively new to sheet masks too but getting samples in beauty boxes has resulted in a burgeoning collection.

    Currently have about 50 masks at any one time on hand. They seem to self-multiply lol

    I especially like gel masks.
    Another great post by you, Sharon! Miss you!

    • Wow, that’s quite a collection and from BeautyBoxes alone…. i did have quite a few of those Murad ones which i actually liked but sheet masks are great because of the ease factor. Miss you loads too ShopGirl… we have to do catch up real soon ❤

    • I couldn’t agree more Loudthinkin, their ease is the clincher for me. I only have the time to slip on the mask just before bed, so not having to wash it off is a big bonus. 😉

  2. My friend got a batch of them for my birthday and I tried the whitening one from Colour Combo (if I’m not mistaken). Liked it as it’s generous with essence. Left my skin feeling well moisturized for days

    • Ah, now you make me want to try that one too Hanniz, I haven’t been a big fan of whitening products, but i do like it when it promises to brighten up the complexion. Glad it worked for you, will try it on soon and see if it does for me too 🙂

  3. Haha, your loot looks crazy! One mask a day… will most probable take you months to finish? Anyway, do try to use mask in a particular order, deep cleansing, then calming, moisturizing, so on and so forth as our skin needs a time table too!

    • I think so too Tiffany, I lack the discipline to do one a day neither the time but I reckon if i did, my skin would be glowing for the duration of the month. Well, I’ve never thought about it, I just slap whatever mask depending on how my skin looks on a certain day, like it it’s dehydrated, i’d put on a moisturizing one or if i look a little sallow, then something then a brightening one.

    • The brightening one is perfect for a quick pick me up Vanessa and most often it’s also keeps the sin moisturized for days after as Hanniz mentioned. Do let me know when you try one and how it works for you ….

    • Lucky you Nicol, I love HK because there’s a SaSa o every corner and always a great deal. They have so much choice it’s hard not to shop till you drop. Have fun with your masks 🙂

  4. Great haul of masks you have here Sharon and great posts too! I Missed reading your blog! 😀
    I myself did a little haul at Sasa too! 😀 I did not see the “A Mask A Day – 30 Day Intensive Mask Treatment ”, Beauty Friends & Soo Beaute in the shelf or I may have missed them. I also picked up other brands which were buy 1 free 1 promotion too.

    • The Beauty Friends must have been sold out, I did see Cindy had scored herself a good variety. So happy that you managed to get them at a good price too. Cant wait to see some pictures Nadia… would love to pick up new let me know if they’re good

  5. Wa…. So many~~~ So impressive. I never buy so many in one shot! Sheet mask is easy to apply and convenient. But sometime, it is too oily for me after use.

    • Yup Sin Yee, a lot of it contains moisturizing element, so it’s always good too see which one has the right balance for your skin. When you find the right one, trust me you’ll be using it more frequently as it does wonders for the skin 🙂

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